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The best motivational weight loss tips ever! #31-40

The best motivational weight loss tips ever! #31-40

31. Keep it simple. Eat as clean as you can, and follow a minimalist approach to nutrition.

32. Shop the edges of the supermarket. Staying away from bad influences isn’t a form of weakness, it’s being smart.

33. Schedule a weekly cheat meal. This could be the only time where cheating isn’t frowned upon..

34. Water, water and more water. Water could be the most underrated miracle drink we’re ignoring.

35. Don’t skip the most important meal. If you were thinking of breakfast, you’d be wrong.

36. Don’t repeat yourself. If you do the same thing over and over again, your mind will freeze over with boredom.

37. Go 2-for-1. According to various studies, following a 2:1 work-to-rest ratio during your high-intensity interval training (HIIT) will help maximize your result

38. Learn the ropes. Jumping rope may be something you did as a little girl with your friends, but it’s also one of the most overlooked fitness routines.

39. Listen to your body. Most of the time we eat when we’re not hungry and that extra energy we shove into our bodies isn’t burned up for fuel, but rather gets stored away as fat.

40. Exercise outdoors. People burn up to 7% more calories in the cold according to a study carried out by the National Institutes of Health.

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