Live WITH diabetes, not FOR diabetes.

Here are 10 of the 50 best motivational weight loss tips ever!

 1. Know yourself.  It is very important to know who you are, your own habits, likes, dislikes, and natural tendencies.

2. Focus on wellness. Do you make good food choices only when you’re trying to lose weight?

3. Set feasible goals. Ask yourself if what you are trying to accomplish is within reason.

4. Help your goals evolve.

5. Look in the mirror. When we don’t feel good about ourselves, we tend to turn away from our reflection.

6. Get regular massages. Recent research carried out by Ohio State University shows that women who are more accepting of their bodies are usually the ones who have good eating habits.

7. Join a fitness class. Becoming part of a regular exercise group and making friends with your exercise buddies will make it easier for you to show up on a regular basis.

8. Widen your social circle. Using the internet to connect your motivations and ambitions with others will make staying on track that much easier.

9. Use dumbbells. A great way to get motivated and stay on the right path of fitness is to workout using weights that are equivalent to the pounds you’ve lost.

10. Hang up your goal. Pick out one of the tight-fitting sexy outfits that you haven’t worn in a while and hang it up in your room or bathroom where you can see it on a daily basis

Which one of the above Tips helps you the most?

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