Live WITH diabetes, not FOR diabetes.

About Me

I am a retired educator from the City’s Public School System.  For 35 years I enjoyed teaching and guiding my students.

Diabetes is a funny disease.  You can live with it but if you don’t manage it properly, it will make any other condition more life-threatening. I still hope to help people get control of their Diabetes and learn to live WITH it and not FOR it.

Thus, this Diabetic Website.

My mother and my husband each suffered from Diabetes. I watched as diabetes magnified the other physical problems, they both had.  I remember setting my alarm clock to wake me up every 2-4 hours to take their sugar levels.

My mother’s condition was so bad, toward the end,  that I had to take her sugar levels every 3-4 hours and then use an integral mathematical formula to determine the amount of insulin I should administer. In addition to diabetes, she would have little strokes, many unnoticed but each contributed to her death.  Sleep again was not an option.

My husband suffered from diabetes which soon became diabetes, Heart Disease, and then Alzheimer’s which meant I had to take his sugar level every 2-4 hours and had to react to the high and/or the low sugar level. He lived a good 12 years after the onset of these diseases. Again, sleep was not an option.

My son has Crohn’s Disease and after suffering for almost 35 years from operations, colonoscopies, bowel obstructions, intravenous feedings, and many hospital stays, the doctors finally said that they did not expect him to live another 6 months.  That was 7 years ago and he is still here.

We all have our cross to bear. Be it Diabetes or Crohn’s, Alzheimer or just a bad cold. No matter what life gives you, you must have “Faith” that there is a power greater than each of us and you must remember that no matter what it is, “It Could Be Worse”.  Because we are human beings, we can know that there are conditions worse than the one we have.

Life is not a “Bowl of Cherries”, as the song goes.  It is full of ups and downs that either lifts us up or push us down.

I cannot give you a magic formula if you are diabetes or Crohn’s or an Alzheimer patient.  I can tell you,  Look around you and you will surely find someone who has it harder than you.

My family members and I had to learn to live, WITH our individual problems and not FOR our medical problem. I want you to do the same.

I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet” (Helen Keller)

Today, we are haunted by the Corona 19 virus. Tell me how you are handling it. Do you believe that it is real? Do you wear masks? Do you Social Distance?