Live WITH diabetes, not FOR diabetes.




Making Meditation Work For You My favorite thing about meditation is that it is incredibly flexible. You can meditate anytime you want and once you get a little practice under your belt, you can meditate just about anywhere. There are so many different ways to […]

Herbal Supplements-For Weight Loss

Herbal Supplements-For Weight Loss

Herbal Supplements There are many herbal supplements that can be used to help you.  These can be used as an alternative treatment to prescription medications but should never be mixed with prescriptions without first talking to your health care provider Human dietary supplement Glucomannan is […]

Nutrition–Eat Right!

Nutrition–Eat Right!

Tips To Get Started With Improving Your Nutrition For those looking to lose weight, nutrition is usually the hardest part. It’s also the most important part. If you want to lose weight, you simply can’t ignore your nutrition. “You can’t out-train a bad diet” as […]

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hypnosis.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hypnosis.

 Hypnosis Many people are skeptical of the benefits of hypnosis. They have false assumptions that only a small amount of people are susceptible to hypnosis. They also think that it is an evil form of art that may hurt the person hypnotized. Besides, they think […]

What Should My Calorie Intake be if I’m On a Paleo Diet?

What Should My Calorie Intake be if I’m On a Paleo Diet?

 What Do I Eat On The Paleo Diet? It can be whatever you want it to be. It all depends on what you want. If you want to be overweight, you just need to be on a caloric surplus. If you wish to remain the […]

Diabetic and The Corona Virus

Diabetic and The Corona Virus

The Diabetic & the Corona Virus As a diabetic, you must remember that YOU HAVE a pre-existing condition so you must be extremely careful. Basically, the do’s and don’ts for you is the same as for everyone. Stay at home as much as you can. […]

Download Your Free MP3 File!

Download Your Free MP3 File!

The Low Carb Way, Lose Weight Without Starving Download and listen to the audio file (MP3).  Listen when you want, in the car, in bed, where ever you wish.  2:34 min. What’s holding you back from being the person that you want to be? Share […]

The Exchange Diet

The Exchange Diet

The exchange diet is a method of eating that provides diabetics with a set of guidelines necessary to eat healthily. A dietician will help prepare and educate you on the exchange diet, the food groups, and what substitutions you can make. On the exchange diet […]

Is it Wise to Make My Entire Family Eat Paleo?

Is it Wise to Make My Entire Family Eat Paleo?

Ooh! This is a tough question. Usually, the person asking this question is someone who has started going on a paleo diet and is so excited about it that he or she wants the entire family to join in. Before you even approach your family […]

4 Quick Tips to  Get You Started On Your Morning Routine–Love Yourself!

4 Quick Tips to Get You Started On Your Morning Routine–Love Yourself!

4 Quick Tips for Getting Started with Your New Morning Routine Morning routines can be challenging to adjust to. They can also be a great start to your day. Just remember to give yourself time to adapt and to find your own rhythm.  Have you […]