Live WITH diabetes, not FOR diabetes.

Carbs & The Keto Diet


The main concern in a diabetes-friendly diet is carbohydrates as they make the most impact on blood sugars.

Carbohydrates are biomolecules or saccharides that play significant roles in the human body, including providing it with energy, support in fertilization, immune system functions, blood clotting, and development.

In simple terms, carbohydrates are sugars.

All plant-based foods contain some form of carbohydrates but while
all starches are carbohydrates, not all carbohydrates are starches.

 All simple sugars and starches are converted to glucose in the body (the only exceptions are sugar alcohols and insoluble fiber), the main difference is the speed with which this occurs, and that is what is most important as far as type 2 diabetes is concerned. There are two main forms of carbohydrates.

Simple Carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates are simple sugars made up of only one or two sugar (saccharide) chains. This category includes fast-acting carbohydrate sugars and starches. Simple carbs are digested very quickly by the body and therefore cause sudden floods of glucose into the bloodstream.

Simple Carbohydrates Include:

  • table sugar
  • candy
  • soda
  • fruit
  • honey
  • syrup
  • juices.

Complex Carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates are starches and are comprised of thousands of sugar chains. Complex carbs are digested slowly by the body, which incurs gradual rises in blood glucose levels.

Complex Carbohydrates Include Starchy vegetables like:

  • corn and peas
  • potatoes
  • beans
  • rice
  • cereals
  • grains and fiber.

The main difference between simple and complex carbs is
how they are digested and absorbed in the body along with chemical structure.

The Role Of Fiber

Those with impaired glucose tolerance and insulin resistance have a higher risk for cardiovascular disease because increased blood glucose and insulin concentrations are associated with high cholesterol (LDL) and decreased good (HDL) cholesterol, both of which are risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

  • Fiber helps to lessen the impact of carbohydrates on blood glucose levels. Soluble fiber especially delays the absorption of nutrients in the body and therefore slows the rise of blood sugars after a meal.
  • Fiber is the reason that whole grains are recommended over-processed grains because the processing strips the grain of fiber, leaving higher impact carbs.
  • Fiber is also the reason whole fruit is recommended over juicing because the juicing process removes the pulp of the fruit where the fiber lies, and therefore makes juice higher in sugar impact carbs than eating the whole fruit.

 The more fiber a food has, the less impact it will have on blood sugars.

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables and especially green and leafy green varieties
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Dried beans and peas
  • Whole Grains: bread, wild rice, whole grain flours, and crackers
  • Brown rice and wild rice

Non-starchy vegetables that are high in fiber
and low in calories are some of the best sources of fiber.

Whole grains “brown” starches are much better choices than their
“white” processed counterparts that have a much lower fiber content.

 Note: While whole grains provide valuable nutrients, they still have more impact on blood glucose than vegetable carbs, and so portion size should always be considered.

Assessing The Impact Of Carbohydrates

While in the past carbohydrate considerations were mainly based on the classifications of simple versus complex, this method has proved to be much too simplistic because the blood glucose (glycemic) response to complex carbohydrates has been found to vary considerably.

The glycemic load has been deemed a more accurate indicator of blood glucose impact from dietary carbohydrates, which in addition to the food itself also incorporates considerations as to the relative quality and quantity of carbohydrates in the diet.




Carb Substitutes


Cholesterol and the Ketogenic Diet

Much of what most people thought to have understood about cholesterol, both the “good” and the “bad” ones, is outdated and completely misunderstood.  Until now doctors and medical professionals warned patients about eating high-fat foods for fear of increasing cholesterol levels which then would undoubtedly lead to heart disease and other metabolic issues like diabetes.

Likewise, some folks are hesitant to begin a ketogenic diet based on the all you can eat bacon and cheese buffet which goes against everything the medical professionals have been preaching all these years.

Both Are Wrong

It’s true.  And once the bigger picture, the true picture, is clear… it will all make sense.  Only humans and animals produce cholesterol which means humans get the 25% mentioned above through animal proteins.  Plants are naturally cholesterol-free.

The Cholesterol Myths and Truths

First, we need to get a better understanding of the whole cholesterol fiasco and why the previous myths have been debunked.

  • Cholesterol isn’t harmful. In fact, the human body produces 75% of the necessary cholesterol supply and the other 25% is ingested.
  • Cholesterol doesn’t just float around willy-nilly in the bloodstream causing plaques and heart disease.
  • A “cholesterol panel” is actually a lipid panel. Cholesterol isn’t even an interest; it’s the vehicle in which cholesterol travels that wreaks havoc on the cardiovascular system.

When a lipid panel is drawn the good old doctors are looking for the numbers and sizes of the cholesterol carriers (lipoproteins), not the cholesterol itself.  HDL (good), LDL (bad) and VLDL (ugly) are the vehicles, like a car per se, for cholesterol.

These particles move the cholesterol around the parts of the body where it’s needed.

  • The HDL, high-density lipoprotein, is deemed the “good” one because it’s responsible for returning any leftover LDL cholesterol vehicles back to the liver to be recycled or sent down the poop chute. HDL has anti-inflammatory properties and assists the immune system.
  • The LDL, low-density lipoprotein, is not so good. These guys are slow and tend to get stuck in the arteries which starts plaque buildup.  The LDL value calculates how many and the size of these lipoprotein vehicles are in the blood.  An overabundance of smaller LDL vehicles can cause problems.  The best scenario is there is a lower number and they are bigger in size.
  • Then there is the VLD, very-low-density lipoprotein, which doesn’t even carry cholesterol and instead carts around triglycerides. Triglycerides are the byproduct of leftover and unused sugars (carbohydrates) that need a place to hide.  They are smaller than LDL cholesterol carriers, thus the risk for heart disease is much greater with these guys.

In summary, cholesterol gets a free ride and a bad rap.  Lipoproteins are just trying to do a good job, for the most part, and it appears that eating foods high in carbohydrates and sugars is the real culprit.

How Does Keto Help Cholesterol Levels?

Research has shown improved lipid panels in both men and women in several studies.  A low-fat diet versus a ketogenic diet has also been examined and studied specifically for lipoprotein improvements.  Studies have been conducted for as few as 24 weeks to more than a year.

The common factors in research thus far:

  • Triglycerides decreased due to the ketogenic diet limitations on carbohydrates and refined sugars.
  • Increased LDL carrier size.
  • Increased the number of HDL carries to deal with the LDL.
  • Decreased body mass index and weight.
  • Better blood glucose readings.

Pretty awesome news for those struggling with an out of whack lipid panel.  And weight loss.  And glucose issues.

The #1 Ketogenic Diet Myth

A menu consisting of bacon and cheese isn’t going to cut it on the ketogenic diet.  That’s simply not true and a terrible meal plan.  The ketogenic diet is based on getting the correct number of macronutrients (protein, fats, and carbohydrates) to maximize results and maintain a state of ketosis.

It’s all about balance.  Adequate protein, a higher percentage of calories in fat than anything else and limit carbohydrates to 20-50 grams.  Individual numbers vary based on goals and other factors.  There are a number of macronutrient apps and calculators online.  So, go ahead and eat the bacon and savor that cheese.  They aren’t forbidden; they just have to fit the ratio.

Need another reason the bacon and cheese diet is absurd?  Humans need to balance electrolytes.  Sodium, potassium, and magnesium are imperative for health and wellness.  Some of this can come from animal proteins, but the best sources are above-ground veggies.  Plus, vegetables are a great source of vitamins and antioxidants.

Cholesterol isn’t such a bad guy after all.  The ketogenic diet can absolutely assist in correcting a lipid panel, along with many other benefits.  Oh, and a slab of bacon a day with a block of cheese certainly doesn’t fulfill the ketogenic dietary needs, but both are in fact keto-friendly foods.