Live WITH diabetes, not FOR diabetes.

Diabetic and The Corona Virus

The Diabetic & the Corona Virus

As a diabetic, you must remember that YOU HAVE a pre-existing condition so you must be extremely careful.

Basically, the do’s and don’ts for you is the same as for everyone.

Stay at home as much as you can.

My son and I  “self-isolated” when the Covert 19 first raised its ugly head.  I am over 60 years of age and my son has Crohn's disease so we both have “pre-existing conditions”. We informed our family and friends that we would not open our doors for anyone. And we haven't.

We did not need the president or any government official to tell us to get away from others. To stay at home to protect yourself.

My sick son lives with me, but we have made it clear to our friends & family that we have pre-existing conditions and must keep each other safe.  So no visitors. So far, so good.

But what do we do after the 14 days of quarantine?  (Shelter in place)? I don’t know! In the meantime, I will share the many thoughts I have and things that I learn during this crisis and my lifetime.

Sharing is a 2-way street.  What are your experiences? Share with us here.

When the time comes, I will reevaluate the status of the world and make further adjustments as I see fit. At this moment, I don't think that things are going to change soon.  I don't need anyone to tell me that “the coast is clear”.

I remember my adult working years.  I don’t know what I would have done under these same circumstances.  I could not afford to leave my job, and I sure could not afford to lose my paycheck.  It took me forever to learn to live on my little pension. I don't know how much adjustment I could do, with no income at all.

It is like the end of the world we knew and the beginning of a new world. The difference?  It appears that we all start from scratch–again.

What to do? Children not in school, no job, no money. If You don’t have one, you may have the other.  I won’t try to tell you that everything will be alright, but we have never gone through anything like this in our lifetime.

I must face that this is what it is! This is where we are!

The important thing is that we not allow this moment, this crisis, to weaken our spirit!

We must face the fact that for the first time in our history, we are in a space that won’t

expand for us, nor can we wiggle around to get out of.

We face disappointments at every turn.

Be grateful for what we have.  Others have lost so much more.

Our world may never be the same.

Plan for the best but always be prepared for the worst. Think ahead. Where will I be, 2 or 3 years from not? what do I have to do to make sure that I am not separated from the “New Dream”.

How do we deal with our feelings? How do we deal with our day to day living?

Happy, sad, don’t know what tomorrow will bring? No future. Uprooted from our “good” jobs. Disappointments, children to feed, rent to pay, food to buy, heat, and electricity expenses. Just keeping up with daily living expenses are overwhelming, almost impossible.  No matter what, there is nothing you can do about it.

Getting up every morning and sending the kids off to school seems like something you read about in a history book.

I don’t know the answers, but I believe in a Higher Being that makes the final determination. I believe in preparation for what might be the future, whatever it is. Because we are not really in control? Are We?


There are lessons that I have learned.  What about you!

I will never miss another doctor's appointment.

  • I knew that I needed cataract surgery and kept putting it off (Both eyes) I was scheduled for cataract surgery and had to cancel until the isolation period ends. (You cannot schedule a Virus.)
  • I need new prescriptions.  I can't just order and pick-up the same or the next day. I have been putting off getting the prescriptions delivered and get a 90 day supply.
  • I forgot and left the doctor's office without having my ear cleaned. Now I can hardly hear out of that ear and, because of the virus, don't know when I can make another appointment without putting myself at risk.

What do you wish you had done, before the Corona Virus quarantine?

If I could go back in time, I would…?

Tell Me!