Live WITH diabetes, not FOR diabetes.

Inner Strength

Inner Strength

The more I learn about diabetes the more I am understanding and wish I had this information years ago when I was taking care of my mother, my husband, my brother, and my stepson.

Diabetes requires that you be strong both internally & externally.  Your external actions are a mirror of your inner strength.

My story with Diabetes has been more as a caregiver rather than a patient.

When my mother had diabetes. I did not understand the glucose meter reading ritual. My mother never burdened me or my siblings with the details of the disease. We were young.

When My husband first developed diabetes, I had to make changes to our lifestyle. I knew of certain types of food should be avoided but I still did not understand the full impact of diabetes.

We know and agree that A person can live with diabetes if they, become aware of and pay close attention to certain facts.

I created this website as an educational tool for myself and others who have loved ones or even themselves are victims.

To bring about change to your diabetic lifestyle, you must take the following facts seriously.

  • Diabetes is incurable-Acceptance and Determination to live as healthy as you can matters.
  • Your weight. You must be aware of and target your ideal weight (Check with your doctor) –What and how much you eat makes a difference in your weight–Your eating habits matters.
  • Your diet. Decide upon a method of losing weight and keep the weight off! What works for you? Why can’t you lose and maintain that lower weight? I will expose you to various options, but the final decision is yours. You must decide what you can live with.
  • Work with your doctor. Take subscribed medication seriously and on schedule, as determined by your doctor.

Diabetic medicine is one of the “Take this if you want to live medicines”–Medication matters.

  • Mentally, how & what, you think about yourself and others. (Mindsets, Self Esteem, Motivation, Confidence, etc.) what tools do you possess or need in order to work with diabetes?

These are the tools that help you jump the many hurdles that you as a diabetic must confront. No matter what negative condition you face, your mental condition matters.

I will focus more on the mental state of a diabetic individual. I believe that if the mind leads, the body will follow (As best it can!).

This reinvention of mindset will benefit any persons, young or old, sick or well that are facing the negative impact of any disease.

Is your mind and body in agreement with each other?

Be Blessed And Let’s Be A Success!


War Against Diabetes

PS: People with diabetes have lived for many years. some having been diagnosed since childhood.

Diabetes is just one of-of the many incurable diseases that, man has to learn to live with.

Diabetes is a battle of the body but also the mind.

Let’s strengthen your mind!