Goal Setting Affirmations:
Choose one and keep repeating it. Maybe you have your own!
I take responsibility for my life. Following today, the future is my responsibility and no one else’s. My possibilities only open up when I know I’m responsible for the outcome.
I have clean-cut, particular, intense, emotional, measurable goals.
My subconscious knows what is IMPORTANT and what I need to be aware of to achieve my goal.
I do my affirmations often to produce my “fresh reality”, my new version of “the truth.” I practice my future perfectly!
My subconscious thinks my imagination is just as “real” as my experiences. This is how I produce my new version of the “truth” against which my subconscious will assess what I need to be aware of in order to accomplish my goals.
I control my self-talk and alter my thinking to support my goals and affirmations. Whatever I spend the most time thinking of, I gravitate towards.
I have 90-day action plans that define what the activities I must be doing and that move me towards my goals. And I review them at least every thirty days!
I have an “ideal” weekly calendar produced from my activity plans to assure that it’s possible to accomplish my goals with the time/commitments that I have.
Every week I fill out my Day-Timer or schedule from my “ideal” calendar. I get all the particulars on there. Because it’s on my schedule, I make time to do it.
I ceaselessly monitor and measure my activities to assure that I am on track towards my goals.
I have consistently scheduled planning time.
I have a support group (or person) who helps me grow and move forward and who helps me discover my “blind spots” so that I can fix them.
I’m accountable to someone who’s supportive of my goals and whom I respect. I tell them what my actions should be, I allow them to ask me if I’ve done them and I allow them to critique my results.