Live WITH diabetes, not FOR diabetes.

Is The Paleo Healthy ?

Is the Paleo Diet As Healthy As It Claims To Be?

In one word, Yes. It really is.

We live in a world that is surrounded by hype, slick marketing, misleading ads, fads, crazes, and short-term fixes. It is easy and even understandable if you feel that the paleo diet could be all hype. As the saying goes, all foam and no beer.

However, you will be mistaken. The paleo diet is everything it claims to be. It will improve your health, leave you looking leaner and fitter, and will change your life. The paleo diet recommends only eating wholesome foods and avoiding foods that are not good for you.

For example, the paleo diet recommends eating wild-caught salmon which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. This is extremely beneficial. The current American diet is short on omega-3 acids and high in omega-6 acids. You want balance. The omega-3 acids have anti-inflammatory properties. Thousands of people suffer from inflammation due to the consumption of food that does not agree with them. The end result is aches and pains all over the body.

The paleo diet does not allow the consumption of sugar and grains. This eliminates a huge number of foods that most people are used to. Cereals, breads, pasta, pizza, cakes, chocolates, etc. By eliminating these foods, your blood sugar levels will be stable. This is excellent.


When your blood sugar levels spike, your body releases insulin. Over time the body loses insulin sensitivity and this results in increased fat storage. The moment you consume a bowl of sugary cereal in the morning, your blood sugar will shoot up and insulin will be released.

Later on, you will have a sugar crash and end up feeling lethargic. Why do you think people often feel sleepy after a heavy lunch? This is the reason.

The paleo diet will keep your blood sugar levels stable. Because of this, you will not gain weight easily. Furthermore, by eliminating a huge chunk of unhealthy carbs, you will also lose all the excess weight you're carrying (provided you are on a calorie deficit) while you are on the paleo diet.

People suffering from diabetes have often seen relief from the paleo diet. It is much easier to keep a steady blood glucose level while on a paleo diet.

The diet involves consuming a fair amount of meat. This ensures that you have sufficient protein for muscle building and repair. It would be wise to balance your diet with vegetables.

One mistake many paleo dieters make is that they neglect to balance their meals. So, they often end up eating too much protein and not enough carbohydrates. The macronutrients must be well balanced by the correct proportion of fats, carbs, and protein.

You should grab a book on paleo eating and lifestyle to learn more. There are many more pointers and tips that are beyond the scope of this article.

The most important point to take away from this article is that paleo dieting is indeed healthy and sustainable over the long run. You can stay on it for the rest of your life and enjoy good health.

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