Live WITH diabetes, not FOR diabetes.

Metabolic Problems Linked with Obesity and Diabetes

Metabolic Problems Linked with Obesity and Diabetes

If you are considered obese, especially with an above-average amount of abdominal fat
and are insulin resistant, you may have what is known as metabolic syndrome. It is
important to note that you can be insulin resistance and not actually have diabetes, yet.
If you are insulin resistant you may be what is termed pre-diabetes.

If you are insulin resistant, your body is not using the insulin your pancreas is producing
effectively. Your pancreas will continue to produce more and more insulin but your body
will not use it and cannot derive the energy from the food you eat. This condition can be
passed on from another member of the family but it is also caused by obesity and

As with diabetes, the risk factors for having metabolic problems and metabolic syndrome,
are quite similar. Age is a risk factor, the older you are the chances of having this are
greater. Almost half of the people with metabolic syndrome are over the age of 60 but
symptoms have been seen in children and adults in their 20's. Another risk factor for
having this syndrome is race, people from a Hispanic or Asian backgrounds are at a
higher risk than others. And as mentioned there is also the hereditary factory.

Being obese with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of over 25 is a factor too. The difference
with this factor from the others is that most people have an element of control over this.
If they are able to lose weight and exercise they can reduce or eliminate this contributor
towards metabolic syndrome.

If you are diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, your doctor will run screening tests for
diabetes. He or she will also recommend or put your on a program to lose weight through
a healthy and balanced diet coupled with physical activity.