Live WITH diabetes, not FOR diabetes.

The Diabetic & Ritualization During the Covert19 Pandemic! Why Bother?

The Nature of Ritualization 

Morning routines are about starting your day in a way that sets a positive tone for the rest of your day. Let’s have a quick look at some reasons why morning routines are vital for your success and productivity.

 “Begin as you mean to go on, and go on as you began… ” Unknown

Having a process to follow that sets you up to feel your best throughout the day will aid you in the “go on” portion of your day. A morning routine that is comprised of strong habits will help.

Your willpower has a daily rhythm and your ability to make positive choices is most reliable in the morning. Making positive choices, therefore, is easier in the morning, so you are more likely to create a healthy morning routine as opposed to a steady bedtime routine.

A routine may look like ice water and the morning news or listening to an audiobook while emptying the dishwasher. Finding the right way to start your day has many benefits that you could be reaping for the entire day.

If you are new to the idea of a morning routine, you are probably wondering what you should include in your routine for maximum success. Keep reading to make your morning routine work best for you.

What If…? 

Suppose that you wake up 42 minutes earlier than you ordinarily do. Even if you really need those 42 minutes of sleep, they may not be worth the rushing you do to get out the door every morning. Adding in extra time to your morning routine can equate to less rushing, which in turn lowers your stress level for the morning and the rest of the day. Stress is a burden that is not only hard on our minds, but also our bodies.


With less stress comes a sense of peace or equilibrium. Knowing you have time to get ready in the morning, make your to-go coffee, or simply not speed on the way to work.


Your relationships may not improve directly from starting a morning routine, but it could be a side effect. Feeling like you have more control over your time and your day can significantly improve your mood and actions all day long. This will be obvious to those who are close to you.


FirmBee / Pixabay

When you feel better, you do better. Plus, maybe in those extra 42 minutes, you will start a load of laundry or empty the dishwasher. But it is perfectly fine if you don’t.

Mornings are full of small triggers that prompt you to do another step. A healthy morning routine is about building a series of small rituals that you perform that carry into your day.

Are you sold on the wonders of a morning routine yet? It’s okay if you’re not. But consider trying a morning routine, or at least getting up early enough to experiment with the extra time one could afford.