Don’t Let Diabetes Beat You!
Living with diabetes is not the easiest thing to do in life, but it is necessary and possible.
Once you train your body and mind & soul to live WITH diabetes, then you will see that it is only another way of living. You have to change your way of life and you will be satisfied with yourself when you do.
If you are a diabetic, you may be one of the few diabetics that don’t really believe that it can happen to you. “I don’t have it, not me!” you say. You may feel that if you ignore it, it will go away. If you just change the way that you eat, it will go away or if you just change what you eat, that will be the end of it.
None of that is true, Type 1 diabetes is not reversible. The trick is to make your body create insulin. Type 1 patients’ bodies just do not make insulin. There is no cure or reversal but you can live with it.
Type 2 diabetes & pre-diabetes are reversible with hard work. Naturally, it will be easier if you are prediabetic. Either way, change, reinvention is necessary. Your mind, body & soul must work hard and together to reverse diabetes, but it is possible.
I believe that your mindset helps determines your success, or not. With the proper mindset, self-confidence and desire to change, you can do what you have to do to reverse type 2 diabetes & pre-diabetes.
Things that can help you:
Change your diet: Ask you, doctor, what your ideal weight is and change your eating so that you achieve that weight. Losing weight is critical if you are diabetic. Don’t forget, you don’t need a diet, you need a complete lifestyle change in the way that you eat.
Learn to relax: Diabetes will put stress on your life. Learn what stress is and how you can relieve it.
Learn to Meditate: Learn to meditate so that you can face the daily hurdles in life.
Exercise: Yoga comes in many forms. I am sure that with a little research, you will find an exercise regiment that suits you.
Find a habit: Find something that you can immerse yourself into when you feel the need.